I have found one way to do it, if anyone is interested:
<     $user_name = $user!=$user_email ? $user : '';
>     $fingerUN = system('finger '.$user.'|grep Name');
>     if (preg_match('/Name\: (.+)/',$fingerUN,$matches))
>       $user_name=$matches[1];
>     else
>         $user_name = $user!=$user_email ? $user : '';

On Fri, Feb 15, 2008 at 8:57 AM, Patrick Zaloum <pzaloum@gmail.com> wrote:
I love so many things about roundcube, if the developpers read this: great job, such a beautiful piece of software! thanks a lot!
I had a question regarding the default display name at the time of a user's first identity initialization. It would seem that it simply takes the prefix of the email address as the display name. I run my web server where roundcube resides in the same place as my imap server so the users logging into roundcube do authenticate on the machine itself. How difficult would it be to pull the user's real name from /etc/passwd and use that as the display name that gets inserted when a user logs in for the first time?
Thanks for any ideas!