If you're using dovecot, it miight be an idea to check out the 'additional' log that dovecot can produce for your debugging needs. It may need to be enabled in the dovecot.conf

The additional log will show, with much more verbosity, exactly what's going on.

If all else fails, switch on logging in mysql as well, and see exactly what queries are being used. Amend your query configuration as necessary.


On 01/06/07, Pedro Almeida <mindcooker@gmail.com> wrote:

Yesterday I've reported a blank page after login. That seems to be
solved, It was a problem with my php configuration..
But know I'm getting "login failure"

I'm trying to configure roundcube under FreeBSD, using
postfix + mysql+ postfixadmin+dovecot(ssl) as imap server.

Relevant lines I have changed on my config file:

//mailserver running ssl
$rcmail_config['default_host'] = 'ssl://';

//default,  because I think that's not relevant to server connection
$rcmail_config['username_domain'] = '';

All my domains are considered as being virtual by postfix. So, perhaps I
have to configure "virtual_query" under main.inc.php.?
But what should be the correct syntax? What I have to change in this

$rcmail_config['virtuser_query'] = "SELECT email_address FROM
database.table WHERE login = '%u'";

Here's the query that dovecot (imap) uses to acess postfix:

user_query = SELECT maildir, 1004 AS uid, 1002 AS gid FROM mailbox WHERE
username = '%u'
password_query = SELECT password FROM mailbox WHERE username = '%u'

The logfile it not showing me nothing, so I don't know how to make
roundcube work.
Thanks in advance.

Ronald MacDonald
0777 235 1655