Hi all,
I have a question about sessions stored in memcache. It seems that if I switch session store to memache, all the session data looks like binary data. This is an example:
get 9c5h585db64sqiubm5h9k1ioi1
VALUE 9c5h585db64sqiubm5h9k1ioi1 2 808 x�uTMS�0�+��R&A>���b2C{[qTd�H2����d;�����j�v���%8�oO0*vDT�D �~4�'q<�D�#� 8�p�F���(�k�0z&J��0�1�Ғ .... END
Is this expected behavior? I'd expect something like this:
get qvildov82ptrfv0d6jsgo9h6h2
VALUE qvildov82ptrfv0d6jsgo9h6h2 0 167 a:3:{s:7:"changed";i:1461755585;s:2:"ip";s:14:"<anonymized>";s:4:"vars";s:84:"temp|b:1;language|s:5:"sl_SI";request_token|s:32:"<anonymized>";";} END
Any hint more than welcome.
Best regards,