On 2016/12/27 11:59, Vincent Van Houtte wrote:
Hi there,
[...] you have found at least one other interested party on this mailing list :)
Cool. Let's see what people have working and what can be done.
The result I'm trying to get: Roundcube with calendars and contacts that are available through Caldav/Carddav protocols, so users can switch between RC and Thuderbird or "smartphone" clients with ease.
I tried with OwnCloud first, but the calendar refused to work correctly with some other clients and the mail app is very limited, so I switched back to DAViCal as a caldav and carddav backend and have installed RoundCube as a frontend for both email and carddav (through the plugin that you mentioned). I have not been so lucky with the caldav-plugin, and apparently it is not working anymore with newer versions of RoundCube (although I don't remember where I have read this).
This is my main concern, up maintaining and so on.
BTW, if you have tips on using DAViCal I'd be happy to see them (I'm using Postfix/virtual), you can send them here or off-list.
Currently I'm using InfCloud (caldav/carddav frontend) next to RoundCube (email/carddav frontend), but if someone can show me the road to integration-heaven, I'm all ears.
Another person replied to me as well (off-list, and I think it's possible that the ML software doesn't "do it's thing properly" (reply-to uses the original sender and not the ML's address)) saying he uses Roundcube with Davical and Agendav which works well. For both of you, despite using only RC as the web interface, you need an extra bit (Agendav or InfCloud)... .
It would seem that all we're missing is CalDav client support for at least a one-solution web front.
Cheers and thanks for your replies,
Emmanuel Revah