On 24/11/2015 21:22, A.L.E.C wrote:
On 11/24/2015 12:00 PM, Noel Butler wrote:
not an easy solution, though since we use NFS, it may be easier than I first thought, so long as there is a way to link keys-on-fs to each user so that should user X delete their email, it deletes their keys as well (which is simple in sql)
As we have bin/deluser.sh script, enigma plugin should just do the cleanup on user_delete_commit hook. There's no other automation for user deletes in Roundcube.
No, but in CRM software that does all the commanding (add/del/suspend/mod user/alias etc etc etc) it is critical, if it sends a deluser, it just backs up all relative user rows in the databases for Rc and the plugins like addressbook and so on, then deletes the rows, then it goes off and does physical delete of that users vmail directory (unless its a users primary a/c which can only be deleted by close-customers it also backs up their mail), so, so long as there can be some reference to match it up, our other physical cleanup scripts (written in perl) cleans up whats left behind - but needs a way to know what it should cleanup.
I'll look at it more when I throw it on the dev box, hopefully before holidays.