
Just upgraded from 0.4 to 0.4.1, the roundcubde log is showing these errors:

[04-Oct-2010 15:48:08 -0400]: PHP Error: Deprecated hook name. save_preferences -> preferences_save in /var/www/roundcubemail/program/include/rcube_plugin_api.php on line 200 (GET /?_task=mail&_remote=1&_action=list&_mbox=INBOX&_refresh=1&_=1286221691811&_unlock=1)

[04-Oct-2010 15:49:05 -0400]: PHP Error: Deprecated hook name. user_preferences -> preferences_list in /var/www/roundcubemail/program/include/rcube_plugin_api.php on line 200 (POST /?_task=mail&_action=autocomplete?_task=&_action=)

Everything in the interface seems to work fine, except that when I click to expand a folder - I receive a "Server Error! (Not Found)"  message at the top of the browser even though the folder expands and displays as it should. 

Is this indicative of a deprecated plugin? or a known issue? 

