----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael" <michael.ross@atice.org>
To: <users@lists.roundcube.net>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2007 11:44 PM
Subject: Re: Question about RoundCubeMail setup

> Hi Anthony,
>> I'm setting up a very specialized email service that will ultimately need
>> to support a few hundred thousand users or more.  From looking at the
>> code, I
>> am left wondering if I need to install a separate IMAP server or does
>> RoundCubeMail handle it all? If I do need to install an IMAP server, can
>> anyone suggest one in particular? Right now, I'm seriously looking at
>> Cyrus.
> Roundcube is a browser based IMAP client. To use it you need a seperate
> IMAP server.
> Given the system size you want to deploy, I'm not certain what IMAP server
> to suggest. Hosting a few hundred thousand users will present a fair few
> issues to be resolved (bandwidth, server specs etc..).

Hi Michael,

Thanks for your quick response. I was suspecting that I might need a backend
IMAP server to run with RCM but wanted to make sure it was an absolute
requirement. I suppose I should have noticed the word "client" in the
description and that would have answered my question. lol

It seems that the server specs and bandwidth aren't going to be that much of
a problem as we're going to be using a large datacenter and have plenty of
servers setup in clusters. Finding a good, reliable IMAP server is going to
be a problem it seems. I'll keep looking and, if anyone happens to have any
recommendations, please feel free to forward them my way.
