On Tue, 2013-02-26 at 10:24 +1000, Nick Edwards wrote:

We completely disabled suhosin, even temporarily removed open base
restrictions and our list of disable functions so it has cart blanch
access to everything, but no go.

Are you sure you disabled suhosin?  Did you comment it out or just use simulation?

You'll find simulation is broken on current git, just tried the same upgrade on my dev box and only commenting out suhosin resolves the matter, I've fired off an email to Steffan, but, php 5.4.x is in "initial stages", so you might want to delay that upgrade.

php 5.4 is, IMHO, still immature software, and not suitable for large production use, frankly, not enough QC work before releases, but php are not alone in this, some other pretty well known software devs are more interested in "release often" than "release-quality".