Yes.... if you had told us you use twice the same domain, we'd have told you from the begin its absolutely normal that your cookie session gets kicked.

For sessions/cookies always use subdomains to distinguish different webapps.

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 3:00 PM, Nelson Serafica <> wrote:
Ok I think I got the issue. I forgot to mention how I'm accessing the url

RC1 -
RC2 -

I created a virtual domain in RC1

And was now able to login without being kick out on RC2 using the virtual domain.

Thanks to all who provided their inputs! 


On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 8:38 PM, Nelson Serafica <> wrote:
I just notice this. When I open RC1, I was able to login with no issue. When I open RC2 and I tried to login, I encountered 

Invalid Request! No Data was saved

When I checked RC1, it is now logout with session expired or invalid. Both RC are hosted on a different physical server.

It seems it is cookie related. Do you think it is on my apache config? 

On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 7:09 PM, Claudio Kuenzler <> wrote:
Are the two webmails on the same server?

I've just made some tests:

Firefox 11, same window, two tabs, two different roundcube webmails each hosted on a different physical server -> works fine

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