
here the apache-top output:

Uptime: 1h 6m 41s, Restart Time: Friday, 28-Sep-2007 11:52:58 BRT
CPU Usage: u37.8438 s2.01563 cu0 cs0 - .996% CPU load
2.63 reqs/sec - 8.9 kB/sec - 3455 B/req, Active/Idle: 10/6


PID   M SS     CPU  VHost           IP              Request                                                                 
29575 R 245  10.18  ?               ?               ..reading..
30573 R 167   2.88  ?               ?               ..reading..
30794 R 157   0.01  ?               ?               ..reading..
30808 R 103   0.41  ?               ?               ..reading..
30838 R 92    0.03  ?               ?               ..reading..
30861 K 4     0.61  itacaiunas.cepat200.1.159.69  GET /?_task=mail&_action=check-recent&_t=1190995175426&_remot
30878 C 1     0.51  itacaiunas.cepat20150168206.use GET / HTTP/1.1.
30773 C 0     0.99  itacaiunas.cepat200.1.179.193 GET /skins/default/ HTTP/1.1
30780 W 0     1.13  itacaiunas.cepat127.0.0.1       GET /server-status-protected HTTP/1.0
30883 C 0     0.30  itacaiunas.cepat201.1.168.206  GET /program/js/common.js HTTP/1.1

and here the top output:

last pid: 30935;  load averages:  0.15,  0.21,  0.25                                                up 248+01:58:10 12:59:40
135 processes: 1 running, 134 sleeping
CPU states:  1.5% user,  0.0% nice,  0.0% system,  0.0% interrupt, 98.5% idle
Mem: 121M Active, 614M Inact, 197M Wired, 35M Cache, 110M Buf, 21M Free
Swap: 2048M Total, 34M Used, 2014M Free, 1% Inuse

29173 root        1   8    0  6492K  5300K nanslp   1:15  2.10% python
30878 www         1  20    0 23192K 14500K lockf    0:01  1.03% httpd
30841 www         1  96    0 22360K 13932K select   0:01  0.88% httpd
30861 www         1  20    0 20564K 12088K lockf    0:01  0.25% httpd
30780 www         1  20    0 23200K 14552K lockf    0:01  0.24% httpd
30881 www         1  96    0 18848K 10040K select   0:00  0.05% httpd
  421 root        1  96    0  1408K   732K select  52:30  0.00% syslogd
37564 bind        1   4    0 12404K  7084K select  25:33  0.00% named
37018 root        1   4    0  2316K   408K kqread   3:27  0.00% master
37020 postfix     1   4    0  4256K  1836K kqread   3:16  0.00% qmgr
81311 mysql      28  20    0 91452K 18792K kserel   3:01  0.00% mysqld
69084 root        1   4    0  2156K   652K select   0:46  0.00% authdaemond
69085 root        1   4    0  2156K   652K select   0:45  0.00% authdaemond
69082 root        1   4    0  2156K   656K select   0:45  0.00% authdaemond
69086 root        1   4    0  2156K   652K select   0:45  0.00% authdaemond
69083 root        1  96    0  2156K   652K select   0:45  0.00% authdaemond
37843 postfix     1   4    0  2568K   704K kqread   0:45  0.00% anvil
69030 root        1   4    0  1332K   240K select   0:39  0.00% couriertcpd
  352 root        1   4    0   528K     8K select   0:33  0.00% devd
  784 root        1   4    0  3532K   420K select   0:26  0.00% sshd
69029 root        1  -8    0  1280K   528K piperd   0:22  0.00% courierlogger
69057 root        1  96    0  1332K   240K select   0:17  0.00% couriertcpd
29575 www         1   4    0 21936K 13708K select   0:10  0.00% httpd
69056 root        1  -8    0  1280K   524K piperd   0:10  0.00% courierlogger
29249 root        1  96    0  2756K  1772K RUN      0:06  0.00% top

What is theses processes ? :

PID   M SS     CPU  VHost           IP              Request                                                                 
29575 R 245  10.18  ?               ?               ..reading..
30573 R 167   2.88  ?               ?               ..reading..
30794 R 157   0.01  ?               ?               ..reading..
30808 R 103   0.41  ?               ?               ..reading..
30838 R 92    0.03  ?               ?               ..reading..

I this is this that are hanging the performance of my server...


Felipe Neuwald.

Felipe Neuwald escreveu:
Hi Folks,

I disabled persistent db-connections and IMAP cache, as you can see:
// use persistent db-connections
$rcmail_config['db_persistent'] = FALSE;
// enable caching of messages and mailbox data in the local database.
// this is recommended if the IMAP server does not run on the same machine
$rcmail_config['enable_caching'] = FALSE;

Again, my server performance hangs with a lot of httpd process, but now 
after something about 15 hours of working. Any idea of how can I solve this?

PS: I'll install apache-top to understand better what's happening.


Felipe Neuwald.
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