Thanks for rapid responses.

On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 12:52 PM, A.L.E.C <> wrote:
On 03/05/2012 06:31 PM, Sasha Kacanski wrote:
No plugin issues so far. I do use only one accounts and that one is working.

larry.png does not exist under skins/images so there is no sample image
to be shown to user when she/he tries to change skin (prefs)

What? There's no such core feature.

I am just telling you what pop'ed up as an issue. I am not discussing what is a core feature or not.  It is fine with me if no one fixes this, I just ran into issue as a user when I switched from larry to default in settings, that is all.
Default sking has png image and larry does not.
I can fix this on my implementation of RC easily...

I use accounts to allow users to switch between archive and mail in one

So, you're using another plugin here. When requesting performance issues to as, be sure the issues exists also with disabled all plugins.
Accounts plugin (remote imap) has nothing to do with this issue. I tried both ways and performance sicks with citadel IMAP.
You might be right and this might improve as we go to cyrus.

On Address Book wich is public ldap and private sql stuff is working fine.
Problem is when I click on mail button and/or compose
It seems that this is working much better when I am going against
archive wich happens to be latest cyrus imap.

But this is some regression in RC or it's just slow imap server? You have folders list loaded in mail and compose screens. As I've said, Roundcube is not very performant with big number of folders.

You need to give me a cut off threshold.  What do you mean by big number of folders.
On current imap server (citadel) I have max 15 folders. Is that big?
As a matter of fact, archive (cyrus) wich is performing much better, has per year folders which comes to let's say 10 top.
If I would to create another 20 folders more I do not think that issue will exist on the cyrus side.
Also our imap schema is relatively flat. Users have folders but we go as far as one level down.
I am not seeing anything on the RC log side to tell me that RC is looping or doing something wierd.
Never the less I have imap server on remote server (latency) and it is not my first choice.
Again, I am not saying that you have issue, just bringing my issues up front to see if someone else is experiencing similar issue.
I will move to cyrus and will see what that brings to the table.

Can someone point me to caching document so that I know how to setup
exactly caching!

To enable caching you need to change one or two config options. They're described in sample config file.
I enabled email caching and that is DB bound ...
As far as session and memcache:
DB Error: Failed to connect to memcached. Please check configuration in /var/www/rcube/program/include/rcube_session.php on line 82 (GET /rcube/?_task=mail&_action=check-recent&_mbox=INBOX&_list=1&_search=c6c55080502ae9a25c9eb9473a883655&_remote=1&_unlock=0&_=1330971489198)

There is nothing that prevents connection:

[root@frodo config]# telnet localhost 11211
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.

works fine
memcached -d -l localhost -p 11211 -u memcached -m 64 -c 1024 -P /var/run/memcached/

memcache is working on the localhost ...



Error No. [604]

no logs on RC side and all logs are enabled + trace mode (8) is in.

Don't use trace mode!!! Roundcube will print error to logs/errors file (check permissions).

Aleksander 'A.L.E.C' Machniak
LAN Management System Developer []
Roundcube Webmail Developer  []
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Aleksandar Kacanski