
I don't know how it is implemented on 1and1.com but I can explain how I implemented this functionnality for my own domain.

I'm using a mysql database to store domain, user, aliases, etc... map for postfix and dovecoat.
the database table is created using postfixadmin
see http://postfixadmin.sourceforge.net/

this done, I configured postfix and dovecot to use this database as the source of information.
For dovecot use sql authentication

and using the password plugin in roundcube is just a matter of configuration
the only to lines to change is the database DSN (containing host, user and password for database connection) and the password update query which is for me :

$rcmail_config['password_query'] = 'UPDATE mailbox SET password=MD5(%p) WHERE username=%u AND password=MD5(%o) LIMIT 1';


S. Blaisot

Le 10/01/2013 04:04, Raul Elenes A. a écrit :
How to now what kind of driver is used for 1and1.com SMTP server in order to permit email users to change their predefined password at their own thru password plugin?

Thanks in advance again.

Raul Elenes