On 25/10/12 01:56, Noel Butler wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-10-24 at 16:06 +0200, Simon Loewenthal wrote:
>> On 24/10/12 13:22, Simon Loewenthal wrote:
>>> On 24/10/12 13:00, A.L.E.C wrote:
>>>> On 10/24/2012 12:55 PM, Simon Loewenthal wrote:
>>>>> # bin/installto.sh /w3/roundcubemail
>>>>> ERROR: Wrong 'suhosin.session.encrypt' option value. Read REQUIREMENTS
>>>>> section in INSTALL file or use Roundcube Installer, please!
>>>>> I have this already
>>>>> # grep suh /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini
>>>>> [suhosin]
>>>>> suhosin.session.encrypt = Off
>>>> When you run installto.sh script the file from /etc/php5/cli/php.ini (or
>>>> something like that) is used, because you run PHP in CLI mode.
>>> Apologies, but should have mentioned that this was already done: Same problem remains
>>> # grep suh /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini
>>> [suhosin]
>>> suhosin.session.encrypt = Off
>> Anyone have another idea?
>> There are only two php.ini files on the server. apache and cli. Is there somewehere else other than php.ini I should drop this into?
>> Regards.
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> This is a flaw in roundcube install script that has been mentioned before, I hoped it would have been resolved in .8 but I guess not
> I think I just commented out the suhosin check in installer/check.php
> but you may need to comment it out somewhere else too, in the installer script maybe....
> _______________________________________________
> Roundcube Users mailing list
> users@lists.roundcube.net
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Hi Noel,
    Thanks for the pointer.  I commented it out two places in the end,


$config = array(
    'error_reporting'         => E_ALL &~ (E_NOTICE | E_STRICT),
    // Some users are not using Installer, so we'll check some
    // critical PHP settings here. Only these, which doesn't provide
    // an error/warning in the logs later. See (#1486307).
    'mbstring.func_overload'  => 0,
_//    'suhosin.session.encrypt' => 0,_
    'session.auto_start'      => 0,
    'file_uploads'            => 1,
    'magic_quotes_runtime'    => 0,
    'magic_quotes_sybase'     => 0, // #1488506

$ini_checks = array(
    'file_uploads'                  => 1,
    'session.auto_start'            => 0,
    'zend.ze1_compatibility_mode'   => 0,
    'mbstring.func_overload'        => 0,
_//    'suhosin.session.encrypt'       => 0,_
    'magic_quotes_runtime'          => 0,
    'magic_quotes_sybase'           => 0,
    'date.timezone'                 => '-NOTEMPTY-',

Afterward fixing the /bin/installto.sh/ ran. However the final update script failed:

Removing old default skin...done.

Running update script at target...
sh: bin/update.sh: Permission denied
All done.

# ls -l bin/update.sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7148 Oct  5 19:14 bin/update.sh

Regards, S.

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