On Tue, Apr 17, 2012 at 12:05 PM, A.L.E.C <alec@alec.pl> wrote:
On 17.04.2012 13:21, CISSE Amadou wrote:

> Just to be in sync, user B is the mailbox owner and has shared it readonly
> with user A.
> All of the messages. When user A deleted the messages, the following error
> message popped up.
> Connection to storage server failed.

> [16-Apr-2012 14:03:02 +0000]: [1515] C: A0009 UID STORE 1:* +FLAGS.SILENT
> (\Deleted)
> [16-Apr-2012 14:03:02 +0000]: [1515] S: A0009 NO Permission denied

"Connection failed" is not something I expect on permission error.

well, that was it. I'll get u a screenshot later.
> sql log when user A deleted the messages:
> [16-Apr-2012 14:07:43 +0000]: query(1): SELECT vars, ip, changed FROM
> session WHERE sess_id = '3jjb6ffvhpgh3bv7dit9huut97';
> [16-Apr-2012 14:07:43 +0000]: query(1): SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id =
> '7';
> [16-Apr-2012 14:07:43 +0000]: query(1): SELECT vars, ip, changed FROM
> session WHERE sess_id = '3jjb6ffvhpgh3bv7dit9huut97';
> [16-Apr-2012 14:07:43 +0000]: query(1): SELECT * FROM users WHERE user_id =
> '7';
> [16-Apr-2012 14:07:43 +0000]: query(1): SELECT data, valid FROM cache_index
> WHERE user_id = '7' AND mailbox = 'Bo&AO4-tes partag&AOk-es/notifications';
> [16-Apr-2012 14:07:43 +0000]: query(1): SELECT data, valid FROM cache_index
> WHERE user_id = '7' AND mailbox = 'Bo&AO4-tes partag&AOk-es/notifications';
> [16-Apr-2012 14:07:43 +0000]: query(1): UPDATE cache_index SET data =
> 'O:18:"rcube_result_index":5:{s:11:"', valid = 1, changed = now() WHERE

This is incomplete, didn't you remove something in this line? Also
"Bo&AO4-tes partag&AOk-es/notifications" != "INBOX". This is not the log
on the same folder.

Bo&AO4-tes partag&AOk-es/notifications is french for SharedFolders/notifications and this how it appears to user A. But to the owning user B, it appears as INBOX.
> No error messages, just an empty maillbox in the roundcube. here's the sql
> log when i refresh the page:

Are you using any plugins? Disable them.

sure, some of the defaults that come with and sieverules, quickrules, automatic_addressbook. I'll disable them and try again later at which point I'll also send the complete log files.


Aleksander 'A.L.E.C' Machniak
LAN Management System Developer [http://lms.org.pl]
Roundcube Webmail Developer  [http://roundcube.net]
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