Hi Tobiah,
Hey list

I slightly remember that a question similar to this has already been discussed in the list.
I also remember that most users were against this, and I personally agreed with that for several reasons:

a) Unwanted read message: If you hit delete when opened an e-mail and the next or previous e-mail is shown, you may have wanted to read that particular e-mail later but it will now appear as unread. You have to manually set it as unread again back in the Inbox overview.

b) Security/Anti-Spam: What if the next/previous e-mail is a spam e-mail or worse contains a virus? Roundcube has the possibility to block external content (like images, scripts, and so on) but it is also possible that a virus was received from a mail address being part in your address book. Depending on the setting, this e-mail will be fully shown, including external contents.

c) Overview: Now this one is more a personal question. Many people like it to go back to overview before opening a new e-mail. You're slower treating your mails like this, but you have more overview.

Although you see that I'm FOR keeping it the way it actually is, I agree that a switch in the configuration file would be a good idea. This switch could define the standard behavior when having opened an e-mail (either go back to Inbox/Folder view or load next mail).


On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 6:08 PM, Tobiah <toby@tobiah.org> wrote:
I'm used to Thunderbird, and there a couple of features in it
that would make Roundcube far more useful to me.

The first is the split window layout that Thunderbird uses.
I normally select the oldest message, and Thunderbird immediately
shows that message in another window.  I then just hit Delete
or Junk repeatedly to peel through all of the emails.  Just one
click per email, and I don't have to move the mouse around.  I
am viewing the subject list the whole time, so I can queue up
decisions in my mind as to what is spam, and what needs to be

With Roundcube, I have to double click on a message, then
the whole page is replaced with the message.  If I hit
Delete, I am sent back to the subject list.  It would be
much better for me if the next message would simply load
in place.  Then I could just keep hitting Delete to get
through all of my messages.  Squirrel mail has a
"Delete and Next" link that does this.  Right now, I
have to go back and forth between the subject list and
the message window, reloading the subjects each time I
read a message, which can be time consuming.

Anyway, great job on Roundcube.  It's an impressive webmail


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