I'm not having any luck getting output into the log directory; I did a quick review of the main config files for roundcube and the log files, and it should be working, but it's not.  Any suggestions?

I'd like to provide the log back to help resolve this...

On 2013-06-23 23:09, A.L.E.C wrote:

On 06/24/2013 03:24 AM, Matt Domenici wrote:
In my testing, the plugin will repeatedly try DIGEST-MD5 when you specify CRAM-MD5; which I suppose would be fine except when in fact your server doesn't support it. :-) You can workaround the issue by removing the DIGEST-MD5 as a supported type in class Net_Sieve (which lives in the managesieve plugin folder, under /Net) but this seems to be a bit of a brute force mechanism to solve what should be a simple problem.
Enable managesieve_debug and provide the log.