I am using the SVN trunk version (3044) of Roundcube and I am seeing some weird behavior with Roundcube in my IMAP folders. I am not having any performance issues, but I am getting messages out of order. I basically want to have the newest messages at the top of the list and then go backward from there in reverse order by date. (i.e. newest -> oldest). I am seeing that behavior for most messages, but the ones from the past 1/2 month or so are showing up at the end of the list when they should be at the top of the list. I recently moved all my mail (via Thunderbird) from Thunderbird folders to IMAP folders. The dates listed in the date column are all correct, but could the sorting dates have gotten messed up? Any way to check this and correct it?
Thanks for any ideas or assistance.
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/