On 12/25/2012 11:49 AM, A.L.E.C wrote:
On 12/25/2012 11:31 AM, robert rottermann wrote:
[25-Dec-2012 09:47:54 +0100]: PHP Error: Unable to connect to managesieve on localhost:4190 in /usr/share/roundcube/plugins/managesieve/managesieve.php on line 286 (GET /?_task=settings&_action=plugin.managesieve)
There can be a couple of reasons for this message. Enable debug in managesieve plugin and check the log.
Ah, thanks Alex, no I get a the following: root@susanne ~ # tail -f /var/log/roundcube/sieve [25-Dec-2012 12:21:15 +0100]: S: "SIEVE" "fileinto reject envelope encoded-character vacation subaddress comparator-i;ascii-numeric relational regex imap4flags copy include variables body enotify environment mailbox date ihave" [25-Dec-2012 12:21:15 +0100]: S: "NOTIFY" "mailto" [25-Dec-2012 12:21:15 +0100]: S: "SASL" "PLAIN" [25-Dec-2012 12:21:15 +0100]: S: "STARTTLS" [25-Dec-2012 12:21:15 +0100]: S: "VERSION" "1.0" [25-Dec-2012 12:21:15 +0100]: S: OK "Capability completed." [25-Dec-2012 12:21:15 +0100]: C: AUTHENTICATE "PLAIN" "AHJvYmVydEByZWRjb3IuY2gAY29jbzJkaWw=" [25-Dec-2012 12:21:17 +0100]: S: NO "Authentication failed." [25-Dec-2012 12:21:17 +0100]: C: LOGOUT [25-Dec-2012 12:21:17 +0100]: S: OK "Logout completed."
now I am WAY above my head. If I interpret that log entry correctly, roundcube tries to log in using a password but fails. Where does that password come from? Why does it not use the one that was used to log into roundcube?
what next.
thanks robert