Hello Alec:
On 20.04.2012 14:13, A.L.E.C wrote:
On 19.04.2012 19:30, Achim wrote:
Unfortunately, still only 57 out of 63 contacts (the ones *with* a N: field value) get imported, independent of the above setting.
Works for me.
... because you slightly altered the test case ;-)
BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 FN:test test2 EMAIL;type=INTERNET;type=OTHER:test@example.com END:VCARD
works fine, just like your example does. This card does not work:
Please note that FN consists of only 1 "word" or element. This is also true for the 6 cards that I cannot import: so the problem is not the missing N: value [1], but the fact that FN: only has 1 element.
This could be a hidden assumption or an array handling issue somewhere, or is "FN:" required to have 2+ values?
Thank you in advance, Achim
[1] Which in itself is perhaps a side effect from RC trying to generate N: by assuming a "2-value FN:"?