The problem might be that the user and the password of that user that you have defined in in the config folder are either wrong or you have forgotten to give that user the permissions to the rouncube database.

On 7/15/06, Scott Kaminski <> wrote:

I'm new to the list, I've looked at the last couple of months of
archive information and haven't notice anyone else having this
problem. So I though I would ask if anyone else has run across this

I downloaded the latest public SVN version of roundcubemail and I
managed to get it install to the point where i get something to show
up in my browser. I've tried a few previous versions of roundcube and
gotten error message so i would consider what i've got a much better
success.  When I load the login page, i get the following message in
the page:

Error No. 1f4)

-My apache error logs show the following:

[Sat Jul 15 09:36:20 2006] [error] [client] FastCGI:
server "/var/www/localhost/cgi-bin/php" stderr: PHP Notice:  DB Error:
insufficient permissions in
/var/www/localhost/htdocs/roundcubemail/program/include/ on
line 80

I've review the code, and to me it looks like its actually trying to
do something with the log file...  So I went and looked at that, and
this is what I see:

[15-Jul-2006 09:38:26 -0700] DB Error: DB Error: insufficient
permissions in /var/www/localhost/htdocs/roundcubemail/program/include/
on line 105

Notes about my configuration: Gentoo linux 64bit version, php setup as
a cgi using fastcgi as the wrapper.  I've also got php5 as a cgi
installed on the system, but not enabled yet to run for web requests.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to a solution to my problem?
