Hi Daniel,

I never really tried the upload of bigger attachments but your information made me curious about it.

I've set a php_admin_value max_upload_size to 35M (for the vhost).
Postfix message_size_limit = 15728640 (15MB)

The .htaccess file was modified like this:
php_value       upload_max_filesize     35M
php_value       post_max_size           40M

So I tried to attach a file of 10.3MB - works. Same with a file of 13.7MB. Same with a file of 19MB (although the sending won't work of course). So I'm happy it runs well and very fast.

I'm using trunk-r3779 with Postfix and Dovecot.

Maybe you should also check your PHP memory_limit param. If this is set by a php_admin_value before it overwrites your .htaccess (or correctly said overwrites by .htaccess are disabled). Check the values with a phpinfo in your roundcube directory.


On Thu, Jun 24, 2010 at 7:48 PM, Daniel Caleb <nix@tek12.com> wrote:


I know there was another discussion regarding this last week. But, it seems to have gone dormant. 

I'm having an issue uploading files over, seems to be around 11 megs, over that and the attachment never seems to appear in the attachment list. It finishes uploading, and I can see a file of that size appear in /tmp. However, then the icon in attachment list just spins and Roundcube never progresses past that point. 

I'm using Roundcube svn 3765 with postfix and dovecot. I have everything (postfix, php, .htaccess) set to allow attachments up to 35MB. When using a desktop mail client I can send attachments of that size without a problem. The problem seems to only exist in Roundcube. 

Is this a known issue? I didn't see anything in the Bugtracker.



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