Hello all, and sorry for my english ...

With tle last stable RC and IE 7.0.x (+XP) when i can see a attachments i can read this :

For PDF and the special windows for this : waiting during a long time, for nothing.
For save an attachments (PDF, Doc/xls...) except TXT i can read this error :

Internet Exploser do not download "/" from .....

The solution is perhaps this or not (?) (archives from lists.roundcube.net) :
Balazs Horvath wrote:
> Hi,
> *attachment type*
> the newly introduced extension based mime-ing does not work, an old code
> fragment got back...:
> https://svn.roundcube.net/trunk/roundcubemail/program/steps/mail/attachments.inc

> instead of
> 'mimetype' => rc_mime_content_type($filepath,
> $_FILES['_attachments']['type'][$i])
> should be this
> 'mimetype' => rc_mime_content_type($filepath,

> $_FILES['_attachments']['name'][$i], $_FILES['_attachments']['type'][$i])

Fixed in r2724.
> *undocumented plugin hook*
> http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/Plugin_Hooks

> $attachment = $RCMAIL->plugins->exec_hook('upload_attachment', $attachment);

Yes and there are others like save_attachment, get_attachment,
remove_attachment, display_attachment and cleanup_attachments

These hooks are used for core plugins (filesystem_attachments and
database_attachments) which are required to handle the storage of
attachment files. However the upload_attachment hook could be of interest

for other plugins too (e.g. for virus checking) and I've now added it to
the documentation.

Thanks a lot for reporting!


But under Linux + Firefox its very cool to use RC - Many thanks a lot.
Best regards

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              Laurent Archambault
                   Under Linux