
This was my mistake. I was very tired.

Thank you very much for your assistance, but I managed to solve the problem myself.

I found the solution here:
just like your solution

I have another problem with roundcube 2.1 beta

When I send e-mails from roundcube to rouncube there is no subject.

This problem doesn't exist when sending e-mails to other mails, e.g gmail and etc.

Can you help me with this?


I have already upgraded roundcube to 2.1 beta version, installed lot of plug-ins and don't want to get back to the stable version 1.4 due to this bug.

Below you can find a screen shot with the installed plug-ins, marked in red.

Kind Regards
eng. Svilen Arsov



На 2016-04-11 15:28, madalin написа:

If you're using postfix you can just edit your main.cfand make sure you use inet_interfaces=eth0 or smtp_bind_address=

On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 12:59 PM, Steve Perkins <sp@strategicbookings.com> wrote:

It's not roundcube its the smtp server you are using. You will need to bind that to the specific IP address you want it to use.

Without that, generally it will bind to all available addresses. Thus when the virtual adapters are down it only binds to the 'real' IP. When the virtual adapters are up it will bind to them all and will use whichever is available first when sending.



On 10-04-2016 16:50, Svilen Arsov wrote:


I have a problem with round cube and my network.

I have 3 ips and the OS is Linux Debian:

- eth0 - - Ethernet
- eth0:0 - Ethernet (Virtual)
- eth0:1 - Ethernet (Virtual)

When adding the virtual networks round cube is connecting and sending e-mails from x.x.x.245. Pls see the following log:

Apr 10 11:12:05 ns1 dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<office@pcexpert.bg>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=11257, session=<9wjJ+xww5gAuN/31>

When the virtual networks are down, then roundcube works fine:

Apr 10 11:32:05 ns1 dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<office@pcexpert.bg>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=11257, session=<9wjJ+xww5gAuN/31>


In config.ins.php the code is:

$config['default_host'] = 'pcexpert.bg';

When the code changes to $config['default_host'] = 'localhost' , roundcube is connecting, but sending e-mails from 


Apr 10 11:32:05 ns1 dovecot: imap-login: Login: user=<office@pcexpert.bg>, method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=, mpid=11257, session=<9wjJ+xww5gAuN/31>


Pls advise, how can roundcube connect and send e-mails to the real ip, when having vitual networks.


Best Regards,


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