
If you have installed qmail, please advise me?

          I just have installed qmail for freebsd. I also new virtual domain test.com on my qmail. But, When I send one mail from dagia@test.mn to dagmid_d@yahoo.com, the following log created in /var/log/qmail/qmail-send/current.

I have not sent mail to log@test.mn which is not created. But my sent mail is duplicate send to nothing mail address which log@test.mn. How will I stop duplicate mail to log@test.mn?



@400000004d03517f0a23ae24 info msg 7489803: bytes 6904 from <dagia@test.mn> qp 97153 uid 1003

@400000004d03517f0a245a04 starting delivery 60: msg 7489803 to local test.mn-log@test.mn

@400000004d03517f0a2490b4 status: local 1/10 remote 0/255

@400000004d03517f0a254c34 starting delivery 61: msg 7489803 to remote dagmid_d@yahoo.com

@400000004d03517f0a257344 status: local 1/10 remote 1/255

@400000004d03517f0bb37db4 delivery 60: success: did_0+0+1/

@400000004d03517f0bb473cc status: local 0/10 remote 1/255

@400000004d035184176576bc delivery 61: success:

@400000004d035184176674a4 status: local 0/10 remote 0/255
@400000004d03518417676abc end msg 7489803