Just tried to install roundcube, followed the guide here:

I did everything, but still I ran into some problems.

When I try to access the site at:

I get a blank page. It says nothing.
If I try to access

also same blank page.
I can access the images but not the .php files.

My system is OS X Server 10.4.5 And I have installed MAMP 1.1.1 (PHP 5.1.2, MYSQL 4.1.12, Apache 2.0.55)

Phpmyadmin runs fine, and so does other projects in the mysql DB.

Apache Log Access file says:
GET /HTTPD/1.1" 200 5

Apache Log  error file says:
[Thu Mar 2 01:14:56 2006] [error] PHP Notice: DB Error: connect failed in /WebServer/roundcubemail/program/include/bugs.inc on line 80 
[Thu Mar 2 01:14:56 2006] [error] PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function: query() in /WebServer/roundcubemail/program/include/rcube_db.inc on line 213

Anyone knows what's up?

Am I missing some php modules? No mysql connection? what?
