
On 30.12.2011 12:38, Andreas Dick wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 29. Dezember 2011, 18.12:30 schrieb Ismail YENIGUL:

I am testing roundcube 0.7-stable. I configured LDAP Adressbook with the
following groups properties:

  'groups'        => array(
     'base_dn'     => 'dc=mydomain',
     'filter'      => '(objectClass=rmailGroup)',
     'object_classes' => array("top", "mailGroup"),
     'member_attr'  => 'rfc822member',   // name of the member
attribute, e.g. uniqueMember
     'name_attr'    => 'cn',       // attribute to be used as group name
what is now your correct objectClass? rmailGroup or mailGroup?
sorry for typo. it should be mailGroup

I can see the users and groups emails in address book but not group
members. When i click on group no member listed.
After enabling rouncube debug, I saw the following LDAP query. It seems
that RC users full dn as a filter value.
yes. this is how the groupOfNames structure works.

Any idea?
Now, my questions are:
- what server do you use?
It is openldap 2.4 server running on centos 6
- do you control this server? or are you just user of it?
I am admin on this server.
- if you set it up, is this mailGroup someting like a standard?
- how do your schema look like?
	-> how is objectClass=rmailGroup defined?
	-> how is rfc822member defined... is it based on member?
- can you please give us an output of ldapsearch with a group object as 
This is actually qmail-ldap distribution list. I only changed qmailGroup attribute to mailGroup attribute in schema file.
You can get the full list of schema at http://www.qmail-ldap.org/wiki/index.php/Qmail.schema
Here is the full ldiff entry:

dn: uid=mylist@test.com,ou=test.com,o=mail,dc=mydomain
bounceadmin: mylist@admin.com
mailQuotaCount: 0
mailQuotaSize: 0
senderconfirm: FALSE
deliveryMode: nolocal
deliveryMode: noprogram
sn: listname
mail: mylist@test.com
mailMessageStore: /mailstore/test.com/mylist
membersonly: FALSE
mailHost: mail.domain.com
givenName: listname
uid: mylist@test.com
accountStatus: noaccess
cn: list full name
mailAlternateAddress: mylist-catchall@test.com
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: mailUser
objectClass: mailGroup
rfc822member: member1@domain.com
rfc822member: member2@domain.com
rfc822member: member3@domain.com

just to be correct: I am not a LDAP prof, I have just the knowledge about my 
homebrew openLDAP server and its standard classes/schemas... but maybe other 
servers are verry different and we have to improve the behaviour of RC?
On the other hand I am not willing to adapt RC for all proprietary and 
undocumented group implementations out in the real (comercial) world!
