I've just found a problem with my multi domains install of RCU 0.8.4 on my dedicte server (gentoo@OVH)...
RCU is installed on a vhost which is pointed by many sub domains lets say 100 sub domains formed like this wm.domain.net, wm.dn2.org, wm.site42.fr, wm.nota1337.com, etc...
People can login for any email adresse using any of this sub domains, example : login for
contact@domain.net through wm.domain.net AND wm.dn2.org ; and this is what I need (some of my clients have multiples sites but will stay ont the same host for both, ...)

Problem is in the user account management, when some one logs in for contact@domain.net through wm.domain.net and then through wm.dn2.org this creates 2 distincts users in the DB (table users) :
- user_id = 1 |
username = contact@domain.net | mail_host = domain.net
- user_id = 2 | username =
contact@domain.net | mail_host = dn2.org

It's perfectly working except when you have adresses attached to one user that you won't find when login through the other host and user...

I don't know exactly what is the use of the mail_host in DB but what would be perfect is either to ignore the mail_host when loging (and have a unique constraint on the username DB field) or to use a mail_host from the mail used as login instead of the host on which the user is...

I've spend hours on this without finding any lead on how to configure RCU to have "uniques accounts" no matter what the host is...
Is anyone having
a clue for me ?

THX in advance