On 06.03.2012 14:34, Sasha Kacanski wrote:
The requested URL /rcube/plugins/settings/skins/larry/images/larry.png was not found on this server.
So, it's 'settings' plugin, not ours ;)
For slowness, I do not think that theme is causing issues at this point. RC is slowing down possibly a bit more with larry vs. default but not that much. ( I would say a one second behind)
One second is much, however I cannot confirm any difference. UI init function takes max. 30-40 ms in Firefox.
As far as folders are concerned I think we will be way bellow 100 folders. This is most likely issue with slow imap server. Now memcache is still an issue with RC and I can't figure it out why I can't connect to memcache on localhost. I can telenet to it fine.
memcache_hosts should be an array, so:
$rcmail_config['memcache_hosts'] = array('localhost:11211');
also class_exists('Memcache') should return true.
If this doesn't help, you can open a new thread for this.