Hi all,


I have installed roundcube 0.5 and it works very well, but at the moment only with the imap login credentials. I have another mysql database with all active email addresses and imap login names.


So i activate the plugin "virtuser_qery" and add the line

$rcmail_config['virtuser_query'] = 'SELECT owner FROM d100006_mailadmin.virtual WHERE address = "%u"';

to my main.inc.php file.


I have also activated the sql logging, but all sql query's i can see goes to the roundcube database. my other database would not be asked. :(


my table structure:

owner = IMAP login name (maybe adam_01)

address = email address (maybe adam@email.de)


Hope you could help me. I can't find any useful information in the web.


Have a nice day,

