Michael Orlitzky michael@orlitzky.com schrieb am 08.04.19 um 20:23:20 Uhr:
On 4/8/19 6:50 PM, Andreas Meyer wrote:
What happend here that all of the sudden I don't have a working roundcube anymore? Where does this CSRF problem come from? I just upgraded to version 1.3.9 and the problem remains.
This just happens every once in a while, and nobody has a good answer. Our users certainly don't know what to do. They call us, we don't know what to do. I started disabling the CSRF protection entirely:
- Open program/lib/Roundcube/rcube.php
- Search for "public function check_request"
- Have it always return true.
I fear I don't know how to do that. I don't know much about PHP if at all.
public function check_request($mode = rcube_utils::INPUT_POST) { // check secure token in URL if enabled if ($token = $this->get_secure_url_token()) { foreach (explode('/', preg_replace('/[?#&].*$/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) as $tok) { if ($tok == $token) { return true; } }
$this->request_status = self::REQUEST_ERROR_URL;
return false;
$sess_tok = $this->get_request_token();
// ajax requests
if (rcube_utils::request_header('X-Roundcube-Request') === $sess_tok) {
return true;
// skip empty requests
if (($mode == rcube_utils::INPUT_POST && empty($_POST))
|| ($mode == rcube_utils::INPUT_GET && empty($_GET))
) {
return true;
// default method of securing requests
$token = rcube_utils::get_input_value('_token', $mode);
$sess_id = $_COOKIE[ini_get('session.name')];
if (empty($sess_id) || $token !== $sess_tok) {
$this->request_status = self::REQUEST_ERROR_TOKEN;
return false;
return true;
What do I need to change here?
Kind regards
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