I have experienced that problem in Chromium too, in 4 different computers (2 debian sids, 1 osx, 1 windows). I tried everything (removing all kinds of local storage related to my roundcube uri didn't seem to work). In the end I had to resort to installing "Autocomplete = on" extension for chrome. But it has to be said, that I use chromium with autosync enabled, so if something was "wrong" in one computer, it probably would have propagated to the other 3.

In Firefox, however, I haven't experienced that problem, and autocomplete works by default.


On 2013-10-28 18:42, Charles Marcus wrote:

On 2013-10-28 1:38 PM, Alois Mahdal <alois.mahdal.1-ndmail@zxcvb.cz> wrote:
I have been using this configuration with Opera and several
mailboxes for more than year.  However, recently I'm trying
Firefox and Chrome and none of them offer me to remember the

Is this a bug, or I am missing something?  Is there a

This is a browser/user profile specific thing... nothing to do with roundcube.

Someone must have told Firefox and Chrome on that PC for that user profile NOT to offer to remember passwords in the past...


Best regards,


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Regards/Saludos, Bruno Gonzalez http://www.stenyak.com | stenyak @ irc://irc.freenode.net