
You may have a look at this plugin:


You you have names with accents, pay some attention to the encoding of names (i had to change the code).

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 3:24 PM, Russell Sutherland <russ@quist.ca> wrote:
I am sure this must be a common question. How does one imports a set
of contacts from a Horde:IMP:turba environment?

I can export the raw data from the source system into a CVS like file.
Is it a simple matter to just use perl:DBI to insert the data into the
roundcubemail:contacts table? I have looked at that option and noticed
that contacts are referenced via user_id. My roundcube instance
already has all the roundcubemail:users table populated. Or is there
some php code in the source tree which I can leverage to make the job
easier. I have about 5000 contacts or else I could do things manually.

Many thanks in advance.


Russell Sutherland
email: russ@quist.ca
cell: +1.416.803.0080
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/