I guess this is hard-coded in program/steps/mail/finc.inc:
// for these mailboxes we have localized labels
$special_mailboxes = array('inbox', 'sent', 'drafts', 'trash', 'junk');
This is something that could be improved but for now, try to modify
these names manually.
2007/3/28, Riahi Taieb <taieb.riahi@topnet.tn>:
Hi list,
For some reasons, I have read/write access only in the INBOX folder of
IMAP, so I have changed the path of the other folders (sent, trush ...)
It is working fine, but when I try to translate the default language to
other then English, the folders still appear in English.
I haven't found where to change this setting, if any one can help :)
(excuse my poor English )
Riahi Taieb