Hi Terry
I'm using those plugins (using sieverules instead of managesieve, found it to be better).

managesieve: Maybe a dumb question but, are you sure your imap server supports sieve?
additional headers: You have control of which headers are added via the config file in the plugin directory.For instance, my plugin's config.php has

$rcmail_config['additional_message_headers']['X-Originating-IP'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

But you may put the header you want to add in that file.


On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Terry Carmen <terry@cnysupport.com> wrote:

 I'm trying to replace horde with roundcube.

 Roundcube's basic functionality is flawless and the install was a
 cake-walk, but I'm having a problem with the plugins.

 main.inc.php contains:

 $rcmail_config['plugins'] =

 However there is no menu option anywhere that I've seen for managing
 the filtes from the user side.

 I also don't see any admin control panel anywhere. Is this a symptom of
 something, or is all the system config done by editing main.inc.php?
 (not a problem either way, I just want to make sure I'm not missing

 Also, I activated additional_message_headers just as a test, but don't
 see any options related to that either.

 Does anybody have any suggestions or any debugging hints?

 This is on Ubuntu 11, installed using apt-get.



 Terry Carmen
 CNY Support, LLC.
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/