I'm getting this issue with Roundcube 0.8-beta.

It currently only happens with IE9 as soon as I login, I get logged out with the "Your session is invalid or expired" message.

This question is still open unfortunately, see thread [RCU]RoundCube session aborting:

I've seen in the SQL debug logs that the session gets deleted and then immediately reinserted but thats too late for the browser which cuts the session.

The big question is why this delete is happening.

It doesn't happen to me in Firefox nor Chrome.

It does happen to me on Firefox, too.

This is a new migrated install. I see, by googling, that many people ask "Are you behind a proxy?" when this problem surfaces.

In the thread [RCU]RoundCube session aborting I wrote that too. The issue only exists when I'm at work, behind a proxy. At home with direct Internet connection this never happens.

Well yes, I am, I'm behind a Squid Caching Reverse Proxy which is also stripping SSL as well as behind a Apache director reverse proxy.

Unfortunately, in the 'googled' posts I have seen, although this question is often asked, I don't see any further reference to it? What are the issues with being behind a proxy?

I have tried the various fixes that have been suggested, but the problem still occurs with IE9. Firefox is fine (I'm using it to compose this message in Roundcube). 

I'd like to know, as you and Thiago, the reason for this and hope this will be solved soon.

I'm of course willing to help resolve this issue, with testing, logs, etc.

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