Excellent, thank you Thomas (and everyone else who responded) -- as I noted, I haven't updated to the beta yet, I was waiting to hear the responses so far, as a brave man, I'm actually using it live for 100+ users:) Hey, good demo testing, eh? I'll update to the most recent version now.

Brady J. Frey
creative director // dotfive

1960 California St., Suite #23
San Francisco, CA 94109
ph: 415.354.1076

Thomas Bruederli wrote:
The latest beta release contains a peace of code that should remove all
slashes if magic_quotes is active. This is detected with

Can you check your local settings using phpinfo() and see if you have
magic_quotes_gpc active?


Brady J. Frey wrote:
Typically a PHP thing, I didn't expect it in roundcube (though, yes,
it's php) -- how to I make it so my users email inbound and outbound
don't escape out the quotes? For example, users who type in "Chicken's
the best" send and receive \"Chicken\'s the best\"

How do I make it so it does not do that? I haven't updated to beta yet,
I was waiting for the issues to smooth over until I ran that route, but
I'm on the most recent cvs before then.
*Brady J. Frey*
creative director // *dotfive*

1960 California St., Suite #23
San Francisco, CA 94109
*ph:* 415.354.1076
www.dotfive.com <http://www.dotfive.com>