On 2019-01-11 11:58, mick crane wrote:
On 2019-01-11 11:48, mick crane wrote:
ALERT: dopey home user sorry to be a nuisance
Also what seems now to be happening is that sending message times out but if I reboot the server the message is sent. which is why I sent twice.
what seems to be happening is dovecot is sending the email, however it does that, (I never had to configure anything there except tell what was the SMTP server as it just worked, dunno if is sendmail or postfix or what ). So seems error is dovecot not telling roundcube message has gone. I get some problem like this every few years and tend to get another PC and start from scratch again so I'll probably do that. Although anybody see if there might be something obvious that would be nice. I don't think is because of "testing" OS release although I suppose it could be.