I quote from the RoundCube Wiki:

What is RoundCube?

What RoundCube is not?

You can view this answers here: http://trac.roundcube.net/wiki/FAQ

With that it should be clear to the OP what Roundcube actually does and what not.

On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 2:26 PM, Joshua Kordani <jkordani@intlogsys.com> wrote:
yea sorry, lemme break it down,

voicemail systems and usage are analogous (at a high level) to email
systems and usage.

with a voicemail service provider, you are given an account and an
access phone number, and you configure your password.  when your phone
misses calls, your phone is configured to forward missed calls to your
voicemail access number.  if you know that number, you can use any phone
to check your voicemail.

email is the same, you are given an account and a password and an access
address.  mails sent to you get collected on the server.  as long as you
 know your mail address, you can use any mail client to access your mail

I was saying that roundcube serves the purpose of email client
(kinda)/phone for accessing voicemail, as opposed to what I thought the
OP thought roundcube did, which sounded like a service provider/ email

chasd wrote:
> On Jan 22, 2009, at 4:31 PM, Joshua Kordani wrote:
>> in short, its all kinda like the voicemail system for phones.  you can
>> use any phone (email client: thunderbird, outlook) to access your
>> voice
>> mails (emails) by dialing your voicemail provider (accessing your
>> email
>> server), and know that roundcube is a phone (email client) not a
>> voicemail service (email server).
> OK, that comparison confused me, but I agree with the rest of your
> message.

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