Hi Roundcube experts!

We've got an ldap structure like this one


With the following roundcube configuration for contacts (company ldap is another one), we're using this configuration:

$rcmail_config['ldap_public']['Personal'] = array(
'name'          => 'Personal',
'hosts'         => array('<% if @dirsrvprefix %><%= @dirsrvprefix %>.<% end %><%= @dn %>.<%= @tld %>'),
'port'          => 389,
'use_tls'      => false,
'ldap_version'  => 3,       // using LDAPv3
'network_timeout' => 10,    // The timeout (in seconds) for connect + bind arrempts. This is only supported in PHP >= 5.3.0 with OpenLDAP 2.x
'user_specific' => false,   // If true the base_dn, bind_dn and bind_pass default to the user's IMAP login.
'base_dn'       => 'ou=%u,ou=contacts,ou=people,dc=<%= @dn %>,dc=<%= @tld %>',//
'bind_dn'       => 'cn=<%= @contactSO %>,ou=Special users,dc=<%= @dn %>,dc=<%= @tld %>',
'bind_pass'     => '<%= @contactSOPwd %>',
'search_base_dn' => 'ou=%u,ou=<%= @contactOu %>,ou=people,dc=<%= @dn %>,dc=<%= @tld %>',
'search_filter'  => '(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)', (uid=%u))'
'search_bind_dn' => 'cn=<%= @contactSO %>,ou=Special users,dc=<%= @dn %>,dc=<%= @tld %>',
'search_bind_pw' => '<%= @contactSOPwd %>',
'hidden'        => false,
'searchonly'    => false,
'writable'       => true,
'LDAP_Object_Classes' => array('top', 'person','organizationalPerson','inetOrgPerson'),
'LDAP_rdn'       => 'cn',
'required_fields' => array('cn', 'sn', 'mail'),
'search_fields'   => array('mail', 'sn', 'cn'),  // fields to search in
'fieldmap' => array(
'name'        => 'givenName',
'surname'     => 'sn',
'firstname'   => 'cn',
'email'       => 'mail',
'sort'          => 'cn',    // The field to sort the listing by.
'scope'         => 'sub',   // search mode: sub|base|list
'filter'        => '(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)',      // used for basic listing (if not empty) and will be &'d with search queries. example: status=act
'fuzzy_search'  => true,    // server allows wildcard search
'vlv'           => false,   // Enable Virtual List View to more efficiently fetch paginated data (if server supports it)
'sizelimit'     => '0',     // Enables you to limit the count of entries fetched. Setting this to 0 means no limit.
'timelimit'     => '0',     // Sets the number of seconds how long is spend on the search. Setting this to 0 means no limit.
'referrals'     => false, 


With this configuration, we'll hope that creating a new 'foocontact1' via the GUI while logging with 'foo' would add it as dc=tld,dc=dn,ou=people,ou=contacts,ou=foo,cn=foocontact1, and that search for this user will only resolve entries that are located in dc=tld,dc=dn,ou=people,ou=contacts,ou=foo

Unfortunately, using roundcube V 0.9.5-1.fc19 , entries are not created, and the log seems to show that 
 doesn't seem to be resolved while adding or searching:

[12-Apr-2015 17:28:44 +0000]: S: OK
[12-Apr-2015 17:28:44 +0000]: C: Bind [dn: cn=roundcubeContactsWriter,ou=Special Users,dc=osgiliath.is-a-chef,dc=net] [pass: MyUltraProtectedRouncubeLdapContactsPassword]
[12-Apr-2015 17:28:44 +0000]: S: OK
[12-Apr-2015 17:28:44 +0000]: C: Close
[12-Apr-2015 17:28:51 +0000]: C: Connect [contacts.osgiliath.is-a-chef.net:389] [Personal]
[12-Apr-2015 17:28:51 +0000]: S: OK
[12-Apr-2015 17:28:51 +0000]: C: Bind [dn: cn=roundcubeContactsWriter,ou=Special Users,dc=osgiliath.is-a-chef,dc=net] [pass: MyUltraProtectedRouncubeLdapContactsPassword]
[12-Apr-2015 17:28:51 +0000]: S: OK
[12-Apr-2015 17:28:51 +0000]: C: Search [(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(|(mail=aa@aa.a)))][dn: ou=%u,ou=contacts,ou=people,dc=osgiliath.is-a-chef,dc=net]
[12-Apr-2015 17:28:51 +0000]: S: No such object
[12-Apr-2015 17:28:51 +0000]: C: Search [(&(objectClass=inetOrgPerson)(|(mail=aa@aa.a)))][dn: ou=%u,ou=contacts,ou=people,dc=osgiliath.is-a-chef,dc=net]
[12-Apr-2015 17:28:51 +0000]: S: No such object
[12-Apr-2015 17:28:51 +0000]: C: Add [dn: cn=aa,ou=%u,ou=contacts,ou=people,dc=osgiliath.is-a-chef,dc=net]: Array
    [givenname] => aa aa
    [sn] => aa
    [cn] => aa
    [mail] => aa@aa.a
    [objectClass] => Array
            [0] => top
            [1] => person
            [2] => organizationalPerson
            [3] => inetOrgPerson



Charlie Mordant

Full OSGI/EE stack made with Karaf: https://github.com/OsgiliathEnterprise/net.osgiliath.parent