Hello Richard,

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you are under the impression that RoundCube is an email client. It's not. RoundCube is a webmail system used on the server end to provide email users with a web interface to thier email ( i.e. going to hotmail.com or gmail.com, which have their own webmail systems). This is not a program you can install on your PC for use like Outlook Express. You may want to look into something like Thunderbird from Mozilla.


On 3/5/06, richard murray <rdmurray_4@hotmail.co.uk > wrote:
Hi, could someone please show me how to configure the program so I could use
it to receive and send Yahoo emails (kind of like outlook where I can
receive and send emails as if I'm logged on to Yahoo). Thx

Are you using the latest version of MSN Messenger? Download MSN Messenger
7.5 today! http://messenger.msn.co.uk