I'll answer before ALEC does it:
Use the latest SVN trunk version: http://trac.roundcube.net/browser/trunk


Indeed, there have been A LOT of bugfixes after the BETA release. So maybe also your virtuser_file issue has been solved. Arne Berglund had some issues with it as well but it seems to work well with a recent version from trunk. I'm sure he can confirm that to the list.

On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Bradlee Landis <bradleelandis@gmail.com> wrote:
I've been using 0.4 beta, because attaching a file is buggy in 0.3.1
(large files silently fail to attach). But there are still a few
issues in 0.4-beta as well. My main question is why does roundcube not
release more beta's as more issues are fixed. 0.4-beta was released in
April, so it has almost been 4 months. And the fact that it's not
called "beta1" suggests that there will be only one beta release,

One thing that I see is that the virtuser_file plugin is either not
well enough documented, or it's not working correctly. I have
hardcoded the virtuser_file variable because when I added the config
option to the global config option, it did not get it correctly. I
really don't think that plugin variables should be stored in the main
config anyways.

I love roundcube, and I understand that beta software really isn't for
live environments, but I would think that there would be at least 2 or
3 beta's for something as important as mail software. That is just my
suggestion though.

I'd be even happier to see a stable 0.4 released. Thanks for all of your work.

Brad Landis
List info: http://lists.roundcube.net/users/