Updating first tried to 0.8.6 -> 0.9.5 (ubuntu repository) and 0.8.6 -> 1.0.4 manifests itself as a problem. When you create a new message. I'm trying to write the address of the ldap directory, but it is not substituted. Thus substituted addresses from your personal address book.
I would like to build this functionality. Because it blocks the update. That I have set up wrong?
My configuration file.
$config = array();
$dbuser='*'; $dbpass='*'; $dbname='*'; $dbserver='unix(/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock)'; $dbport=''; $dbtype='mysql'; $config['db_dsnw'] = "$dbtype://$dbuser:$dbpass@$dbserver$dbport/$dbname";
$config['default_host'] = 'ssl://localhost'; $config['default_port'] = 993;
$config['smtp_server'] = 'ssl://localhost'; $config['smtp_port'] = 465; $config['smtp_user'] = '%u'; $config['smtp_pass'] = '%p';
// ---------------------------------- // LDAP // ----------------------------------
$config['ldap_cache'] = null; $config['ldap_cache_ttl'] = '10h';
$config['support_url'] = '*'; $config['des_key'] = '*'; $config['plugins'] = array( 'archive', 'zipdownload', 'managesieve', 'newmail_notifier', 'emoticons', 'thunderbird_labels', 'html5_notifier', 'contextmenu', 'keyboard_shortcuts', 'vcard_attachments', 'markasjunk', );
// skin name: folder from skins/ $config['skin'] = 'larry'; $config['session_lifetime'] = 1440; $config['enable_installer'] = false;
// ---------------------------------- // USER INTERFACE // ----------------------------------
$config['archive_mbox'] = 'Archives'; $config['archive_type'] = 'month'; $config['default_folders'] = array('INBOX', 'Drafts', 'Sent', 'Junk', 'Trash','Archives');
// ---------------------------------- // ADDRESSBOOK SETTINGS // ----------------------------------
$config['ldap_public'] = array(); $regions = array( '74RU' => 'chelyabinsk', '161RU' => 'rostov', 'UFA1RU' => 'ufa', '29RU' => 'arkhangelsk', '59RU' => 'perm', '63RU' => 'samara', '72RU' => 'tumen', '76RU' => 'yaroslavl', '116RU' => 'kazan', 'V1RU' => 'volgograd', );
$config['autocomplete_addressbooks'] = array('sql');
foreach($regions as $k=>$v) { $config['ldap_public'][$k] = array( 'name' => $k, 'hosts' => array('*'), 'port' => 389, 'use_tls' => false, 'user_specific' => false, 'writable' => false, 'fieldmap' => array( // Roundcube => LDAP 'name' => 'displayName', 'department' => 'ou', 'jobtitle' => 'title', 'surname' => '', 'im:icq' => 'pager', 'firstname' => '', 'email' => 'mail', 'phone:home' => 'homePhone', 'phone:work' => 'telephoneNumber', 'phone:mobile' => 'mobile', 'street' => '', 'zipcode' => '', 'locality' => '', 'country' => '', 'organization' => 'o', ),
'base_dn' => 'ou=users,ou='.$v.',dc=*,dc=ru', 'required_fields' => array("cn", "sn", "mail"),
'LDAP_Object_Classes' => array("top", "inetOrgPerson"), 'LDAP_rdn' => 'mail', 'writable' => false,
'ldap_version' => 3,
'search_fields' => array('displayName', 'mail', 'cn'), 'sort' => 'displayName', 'scope' => 'sub', 'filter' => '(mail=*)', 'global_search' => true, 'fuzzy_search' => true, 'vlv' => false, 'groups' => array( 'base_dn' => 'ou=groups,ou=_global,dc=*,dc=ru', 'filter' => '(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)', 'object_classes' => array("groupOfUniqueNames"), 'member_attr' => 'uniqueMember', ), ); array_push($config['autocomplete_addressbooks'], $k); }
$config['autocomplete_min_length'] = 1;
// ---------------------------------- // LOGGING/DEBUGGING // ----------------------------------
$config['debug_level'] = 8; $config['log_driver'] = 'file'; $config['log_date_format'] = 'd-M-Y H:i:s O'; $config['syslog_id'] = 'roundcube'; $config['syslog_facility'] = LOG_USER; $config['per_user_logging'] = true; $config['smtp_log'] = true; $config['log_logins'] = true; $config['log_session'] = true; $config['sql_debug'] = true; $config['imap_debug'] = true; $config['ldap_debug'] = true; $config['smtp_debug'] = true;
// ---------------------------------- // USER PREFERENCES // ---------------------------------- $config['preview_pane'] = true; $config['reply_mode'] = 1; $config['mdn_requests'] = 3; $config['draft_autosave'] = 30;
$rcmail_config['include_host_config'] = array( 'mail.*' => '*.php', 'mail.roundcube.com' => 'com_config.inc.php' );