Passive observer of this ( quite entertaining ) dialogue,

but have to agree. I'm running RC 0.92 very successfully using Dovecot/Postfix ( which is actually irrelevant as RC is the MUA ) on a Raspberry Pi - only difference being, i'm using up to date PHP and other dependent software.

If your question is how do I get RC 0.92 to install correctly, then the answer is surely upgrade your very outdated PHP. The end. It's not hard, and surely there can't be any reason not too?

Why should RC developers try and make their product fit such an old version of PHP?

 If you want to use such old technology, then use squirrel mail or Horde or something of the same genre ;)

just my 2c :D






On 04-07-2013 6:47 pm, Reindl Harald wrote:

again: get the shit out of your head!

RC >= 0.9 needs PHP 5.3

Am 04.07.2013 09:55, schrieb Noel Butler:
TROLL ALERT On Thu, 2013-07-04 at 01:24 +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 04.07.2013 01:19, schrieb Nigel Peck:
On 04/07/2013 00:14, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 04.07.2013 01:11, schrieb Nigel Peck:
Because there is not a great deal of PHP running on the server, and I need to test what there is with 5.3 before upgrading, which I haven't done yet.
what did you do the last 3.5 years?
Lots of other fun things.
maybe you should do your job
If you're unhappy about it being PHP 5.2.17 then you'd have been even more unhappy 6 months ago when I was still running PHP 4 as a cgi for one of the sites! So at least the PHP 4 is gone now!!
don't get me wrong - but you better should avoid to setup servers connected to the web at all
Lol. It's even funnier because you mean it
yes i mean it - PHP4 was 7 years ago and not 6 months careless people with outdated software on servers are the biggest security problem for 3rd parties

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