Em 23-03-2012 12:11, Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems) escreveu:
On 2012-03-19 17:25, Marcio Merlone wrote:
I googled for this error but got zarro boogs found, I mean, no google
results. I had 0.7.1 installed, he was using without any problem, and
then today he started to get this error. I upgraded to 0.7.2 in a hope
to solve the problem, but no luck.
It seems what you are hitting is a situation in which Roundcube / MDB2 is trying to fetch data from two (or more) prepared statements simultaneously, or not having finished fetching all data from the first prepared statement when it attempts to fetch data from the second prepared statement.

  See also this thread: http://forums.mysql.com/read.php?168,238786,247628#msg-247628
Thank you very much, but that doesn't help me much. This happens consistently with just one user whenever he tries to compose a new message, among other situations which involves his addressbook (mysql). It seems something is wrong with this user's data, but I can't drop it. Can you help me find what's wrong and fix it?

Best regards.

Marcio Merlone