I'm seeing multiple DB errors spitting out on my round cube installation -- anyone see a fix or have knowledge of it? I get the following (sensistive info excluded):
DB Error in /Library/WebServer/Documents/roundcubekamalaspa/program/include/rcube_db.inc (129): DB Error: unknown error
DB Error in /Library/WebServer/Documents/roundcubekamalaspa/program/include/rcube_db.inc (204): DB Error: unknown error Query: INSERT INTO cache (created, user_id, session_id, cache_key, data) VALUES (NOW(), 1, 'f6a098da24b4d801185b241a50b6d5b2', 'KMEBLKMNCLBMAJNHLLFIGELKFOAB.


Warning: fopen(./logs/errors): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Library/WebServer/Documents/roundcubeBHCA/program/include/bugs.inc on line 67
DB Error in /Library/WebServer/Documents/roundcubeBHCA/program/include/rcube_db.inc (129): DB Error: unknown error

Warning: fopen(./logs/errors): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /Library/WebServer/Documents/roundcubeBHCA/program/include/bugs.inc on line 67
DB Error in /Library/WebServer/Documents/roundcubeBHCA/program/include/rcube_db.inc (204): DB Error: unknown error Query: INSERT INTO cache (created, user_id, session_id, cache_key, data) VALUES (NOW(), 3, NULL, 'IMAP.INBOX.msg', 'a:21382:{i:25100;O:14:\"iilbasicheader\":23:{s:2:\"id\";s:5:\"21402\";s:3:\"uid\";s:5:\"25100\";s:7:\"subject\";s:37:\

Web xserver running 10.4.4, the mail server is running 10.3.9 until this weekend; I have not updated php or mysql to 5, I've left this installation the same excluding visual adjustments. Any insight is appreciated!

Brady J. Frey
creative director // dotfive
