Quoting Charles Marcus <CMarcus@Media-Brokers.com>:

> On 2010-01-20 3:10 PM, Daniel Caleb wrote:
>> I was wondering if anyone else is using Courier IMAP and what methods
>> they are using to filter mail?
> Well... not that this answers your question directly, but... have you
> considered just switching to dovecot? The difference in performance is
> amazing - and that is not an exaggeration.
I have considered it... and that may be the option I am left with if I can't find a decent webmail client.  Although, my bit of research showed Courier coming out a little ahead of Dovecot - mostly based on folder polling methods. In the end, I highly doubt my user base is savvy enough to notice the difference. I need to find a free weekend before I even consider it, and a decent mysql+dovecot guide. :) 

Thanks for the input,