According to the changelog for 0.1b (2006/02/04): "Make username available as skin object"
But no other details. I figured rcmail_current_username was the routine and guessed that: <roundcube:object name="rcmail_current_username" />
was the call to make it display. Doesn't seem to get to the routine though. So I guess I'm stuck with not understanding how to call routines from the UI components, and secondarily with which UI routine I call for the username.
Have you tried the %u element I see in the main config?
Not sure, but it looks like "%u" is intended specifically for use in the config file. If not, any ideas on how it's used from the UI components?
~ ~ Dave
Brady J. Frey wrote:
Sorry Dave -- aside from tweaking the css, I haven't gone this far into it -- though I wouldn't mind looking into welcoming the user by name, if it could pull that from the log in information.
Have you tried the %u element I see in the main config? That seems to pull up the username on smtp, I'm sure it could do the same in the system -- and all you'd need would be the
-- *Brady J. Frey* creative director // *dotfive*
1960 California St., Suite #23 San Francisco, CA 94109 *ph:* 415.354.1076