Erm, well, noexec cough cough.

I have a cold and am feeling poorly and sneezing everywhere, and cannot see the wood for the trees.

Reindl Harald <> wrote:

Am 22.05.2013 16:59, schrieb Simon Loewenthal:
# ./bin/ /www/roundcube
-su: ./bin/ Permission denied

# ls -l bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 501 80 3458 May 16 20:06 bin/

# which php

Does anyone know what the trick is?

well, sounds like a with noexec mounted FS but nobody
can prevent you from calling a shell binary and give
it the script as param, hence that is why you write
the shell in crontab lines and not only scripts

"bash ./bin/"

or if it is a PHP CLI with a stupid extension

"php /bin/"

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