Also make sure that the include_path contains the PHP libraries, as already mentioned in my open_basedir message.
You can check that in the php.ini:

grep include_path php.ini
; (directory must also be in include_path or full path must
include_path = ".:/usr/lib/php"

On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 3:13 PM, Benny Pedersen <> wrote:
On Mon, 26 Dec 2011 20:02:34 -0600, Jess Collicott wrote:
> I'm hunting around the php.ini file, which was updated 12/3, with the
> upgrade to PHP 5.3.8. Are these functions needed by Roundcube?

php.ini should be default not updated but default, roundcube using
.htaccess it this enabled in the virtualhost apache conf ?

AllowOveride ALL

but it does not help if php is not working

List info: