
Two quick questions: Where to find support for plugins? And where to make feature requests for them?

Best regards.

Em 19-04-2013 09:45, Marcio Merlone escreveu:
I am testing RCU 0.9 and found that the new user dialog plugin is not behaving good for me. It shows up the dialog, I make some input, click save, the screen gets reloaded and there is the dialog again, with the inputed data - saved at least. Only way out of the dialog is kill the cookies and login again, then no dialog anymore, as expected.

Also, I'd like to suggest two new features: default values (for organization), and template support (for signature). I already use new_user_identity, so it gets name and mail address from LDAP, but organization and signature would be great for large/enterprise deployments.

Marcio Merlone
TI - Administrador de redes

A1 Engenharia - Unidade Corporativa
Fone: +55 41 3616-3797
Cel: +55 41 9689-0036